Here you can find details of what you need to buy to build a Fab@Home Model 2 3D Printer. The majority of the parts are “off the shelf” – you can simply order them off the web from the recommended supplier, or find your own locally or online. This page contains all of the plans, bill of materials, source CAD files and Laser Cutter layouts (all of these items are sometimes referred to as the the “blueprints” for the device) you need to build this 3D Printer. Step by step assembly instructions for this machine are still available on the Fab@Home site here: Model 2 Overview. The slicing software can be downloaded here: FabStudio and the control software here: FabInterpreter.
The Fab@Home Model 2.0.0 and all subsequent source files have been released under the BSD Open Source License. This basically means that all of the plans and source files are free, you are free to modify them as you see fit and even use them for commerical purposes without royalties or credit due to Fab@Home.
Here you can find a spreadsheet listing all of the parts for a Standard Model 2 including a dual syringe tool.
Here you can download the entire Model 2 CAD assemblies.
Here you can download the arcylic parts layouts as DXF Files